
Coaching can be used for a variety of areas. You might feel stuck in your current position/career, feeling stressed, or want to work on a particular area that you find challenging, for example giving a presentation or having a short fuse under pressure.

We offer Cognitive Behavioural Coaching to enable individuals to make changes in their working lives, reduce stress and promote wellbeing.

Together we will determine your objectives and agree on your expectations. You are your own best expert and by learning to think more skilfully you can become more resilient and cope better with the pressures faced in the workplace.


What to expect

Typically, a coaching program consists of 6-10 session of 60-90 min each. This usually includes a pre-session Strengths-based or Personality-based assessment where personal development areas are identified. In conjunction with the coaching, tailored exercises are encouraged to get maximum benefit out of your coaching experience. For inquiries, please contact me or book a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs.


Who can coaching help

Coaching can help with a range of issues, including:

Performance anxiety
Fear of failure
Worry about being weak or not in control
Poor time management
Having a short fuse when under pressure