What we do

Next Step Now are specialists in helping family businesses with the ‘softer’ issues.

In traditional communities, family businesses were the chief mode of trade and the propellers of local economies and nowadays realize approximately 50-70% total revenue and GDP globally.  Although they are the most basic forms of businesses, less than one third of them survive beyond the first generation (Dyer, 1986).

We at Next Step Now understand the challenges leaders in family businesses face – such as handling the ownership, identifying and developing talent from the next generation including transitions, managing complex relationships between family and non-family members, or ensuring that corporate values are in conformity with the family ethics.

By combining our years of experience with our expertise in coaching, along with psychometric assessments, training workshops, and facilitation, we can create a safe space that allows open communication and fosters growth, continuity, and a unified and cohesive family approach to your company. While we can’t guarantee that there won’t be any bumps along the way, we can assure you that the journey will be worth it.

Click on a pillar below for more details

Pillars of our business

CoachingPsychometric AssessmentTraining


Coaching for individuals working in organisations to build self-awareness, improve leadership, business performance, wellbeing or resilience.

Psychometric Assessment

Psychometric testing can minimise your recruitment costs by efficiently assessing new talent, existing staff, or high potential leaders. 


From bespoke workshops designed with you to meet your specific business requirements, to workshops, webinars, and talks accessible to anyone, we have a range of training options that can help you and your business family grow.